Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The USW Initiative

Dear oppressed UBC students, workers and student-workers,

This message is addressed to all who feel that a time for unification and solidarity among employees of this university has come. This concerns all who believe that change is not only possible, but necessary. The time to unite and speak out for our rights as workers of this institution has come.

Join us in exercising our rights as workers of this constitutional monarchy to form a union of student employees. Help to promote the wellbeing of those who are, on a daily basis, flipping burgers, brewing coffee, serving beer, safewalking, tutoring, etc… to cover UBC’s inflated tuition fees. We can show the administration that this campus serves over 45,000 people daily because of us, and if we collectively decide to stop, the entire campus will stop with us. Power we already have, what we need is organised and unified mobilisation.

This is an initiative for all of us who wish to exercise our right to form a UNION OF STUDENT WORKERS AT UBC.

Yours in solidarity,

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